
monster beats and true now I

Armor by the texture of the material ,only a block printing method of defence array to piece together is enough ,this is the most difficult to build ,even offering to bulk initiates felt no difficulty ,a little bit worried also disappear in smoke .
relationresultYang Ye did not use the Biliuhe scales as samples ,but took the Qin Yiyang dorsal ,then moved to large scale and Xianshi ,Ren and profligacy ,but it should be noted that ,in two days ,to complete the five thousand piece blue scales back a refining .
relationresultThese people have eight hundred people ,natural chorus promise ,but also some people asked can refine some... Be decidedly negative .relationresultIn a bitter ordered Ming Sihua solely responsible for supervision issues, Yang night thought :these people refining dorsal in the aftermath of a great war ,you will all melt down heavy chain ,more refined one is lost !All of this, all single Gang et al blindly attack caused by the Lich King ,however ,retreat ,Longduo faction ,is a completely destroyed Longduo in good time .
relationresultIncreasingly feel the opportunity is rare ,Yang night stepped out of bounds, see still waiting for his Xiao Wan ,but said : the battle will be fierce ,you still feel at ease in the Italian capital to take care of it, I will be back before the conference .
, relationresultXiao Wan Shun from nodded ,a pale cloud fairy that is not good language aside ,what ,only whispered : .. take care .. , relationresultYang night laugh : rest assured ,I have three cents a defense ,and a pale cloud ,a step two Xianchang in ,this Longduo country very soon .
Ha ha ,only this time ,it is come too suddenly ,I have not thought of ,estimation also nobody can think of... I had left the capital ... . , relationresult- ( the end of volume ) IDG books i7wu.
cn-- , relationresultVolume sixth immortal demon , relationresultThe first chapter come on , relationresultThere are nine daysaway from the opening of the general assembly .relationresultHan City ,Chen received three gold leaf clean in the information symbol ,which report the information as follows .
relationresultOne ,implement case of metropolitan Yang Ye and the missing ,missing and all together in the studio and device for a total of more than 800 bed mixing device .relationresultTwo ,rising to sixty-seven from a door in the way encounter inexplicable raid ,sixty-five dead ,two seriously injured people escape ,enemy unknown .
relationresultThree ,yesterday you Shi sudden factions elders and former metropolitan has safely returned to their respective case door ,unable to find out the missing and the reasons .relationresult.
.. .. , relationresultBlueValley West of forest ,the void in all of a sudden burst of volatility ,from distorted flow suddenly jump out of two people ,and a light shining sword ,Yang night has the station in sun sword ,opposite color pale pale cloud fairy that said: this had to teleport the five ,arrived at Blue Valley West the forest edge.
.. Is really hard to the immortal . , relationresult Hey... Little friend ... Not polite ,... A ... Jobs or . Aowoon Ko quickly crumpled ,also try to respond to his Yang night, but is spirit immortal work ,so try not to make up for the play teleport last miss .
Overdraft immortal force results really bad ,seemed to every inch of the skin are in pain ,the immortal element also shrank by a large margin, but deep foundation did not grow into the forest .
relationresultPale cloud just gasping over, I heard Yang Ye said : to Beijing when, also want to bother the immortal to make ,should be no problem ? , relationresultHearing this, Cang cloud fairy are suddenly he twitched ,very sore and poured out ,can still say : .
.. The problem .. no .. . , relationresultYang night very satisfied a nod of the head ,is preparing to please Cang Vincent to rest in vientiane .Divine consciousness suddenly feel a strange fluctuation outspread and come, quickly swept the two body ,almost at the same time ,Yang night I heard a voice in my head gently Gee a sound ,then this feeling suddenly disappeared ,unfolding the gods wish with no sleep, but see cubeba cloud fairy the sudden intense shaking up ,then the astringent voice said: .
.. . soon ... . , relationresultHow? Fast ? Yang night unknown so . You know who ? , relationresultPale cloud the ready to say quickly ,can think about is dejected said: can ,the ancestors have come .
, relationresultAlmost in the voice just fell when, a man without a sound from the void as a strolling came out ,his face with a faint smile ,at night near Yang ,slightly saccade one lap later ,said : until you finally come back, six gods of the returned ? , relationresult It is Lotus Blue ancestor !Sorry sorry ! Yang Ye while he ha he thought of countermeasures ,the old man was on the west blue valley to a waiting ,this spirit is really admire ,but I haven look at the map of study ,he can so easily .
relationresult What map ?My words ,I really do not know ah ! , relationresult Alas ! Lotus Blue my sighing heavily ,Yang night did not feel, next to the pale cloud but painful groan .
relationresult ransacked it circles the precious cabinet of Tibet even now ,why to take thirty-six Ge true world treasure ?Relationship is too large ,even if you ... .. Also temporarily ,please return to avoid disturbing my retreat .
, relationresult Oh... .! Yang night do see light suddenly ,rush said : ,that is the last heavy house to the baby !When I see heavy cabinet by potent spells also sorry to see the seal ,and true ,now I lost ?.
.. .. who will release so complicated immortal character seal ?It is strange that my ancestors ... .. Do and pale Vincent to open the seal as well? , relationresultLotus Blue old suddenly silent night ,Yang said is very reasonable, simply cannot be refuted .
The seal is had set for himself ,if forced to break off, it will be induction .But now apparently someone play about Indian magic steal immortal figure ,while in the real world in addition to their only baby.
.. .. Is that the dragon is not? , relationresultThe ancestors also carefully perceived it, although there was no myth of Yang Yeshen breath ,but still not reconciled to said : you have received a small Vientiane circles refers to, can let Benxian into world tour ? , relationresultYang night ha-ha laughs: circles in many old secret ,but the fairyland on the immortal ,don embarrass me ,deadly door in priority to science ,are hard to fight ,please forgive ! , relationresult Don ,don ! Lotus Blue ancestor god statue on reincarnation person dare not hard ,turn the head face bleak said: Cang Vincent ,you can see six circles of the graph ,tell the truth to you several crimes ,monster beats.
, relationresultCang Vincent that looking at the two ... .. Who ,he did not dare to offend .Although our eyes icy pole ,but Yang night inadvertently at several encouraged to look, but to the pale clouds bring inexplicable confidence ,biting a tooth ,and don old face ,said: small make Fu Bo ,denies .
, relationresult Good ,good ,good ! Lotus Blue old deadpan finish, slightly after that ,said to Yang Ye : it you ,but there is one thing to young friends ,it circles immortal can not be in the next move ,Cang Vincent to still need to Lotus blue circles with us really ,this is a true community law ,do not volume .
, relationresultCang Vincent make hearing began ,just think aloud will feel a strong several hundred times the immortal force has blanketed the body ,a moment can not move, I can not be made .
The Yang Ye beside feel nothing at all ,just see cubeba cloud eyes stare look red ,abnormal eccentric .relationresultYang Ye certainly cannot let ancestor to teleport tool to take away ,he said : ,I have to be immortal and do ,please also ancestor tolerant one or two .
, relationresult This I also cannot little friends ,do not blame ! Lotus Blue ancestor indifferent replied , a big sleeve ,would see cubeba cloud fairy so frightened of flying, in the air were hovering around, down to become palm size dog ,going to the ancestors kuanxiu flew into the .
relationresultYang night trying to save is impossibly ,Jin Xian attainment of terror ,as you said, in the presence of no hand struggle idea ,like a can never cross the mountains across the front, can only look up to .
With a proud argues for a long time, see cubeba cloud is people place ,but to its shouted : you... To ... very ... To live ah ! , relationresultMean it is self-evident ,give me Related articles:

